Welcome to “THE LIFE” CHURCH Connections! Our goal is to provide a connection of relationships based on the common passions and interests which draw us closer to each other relationally in Christ’s Body.
Every 1st Friday of the month. A high-impact forum based ministry taught by Bishop, and First Lady Diane Juitt who have been Married over 36 years. It breaks away from the traditional churchy stance on relationships. This open-mic’d no nonsense forum based talking lab addresses, and attacks critical sensitive subjects considered off limit, and taboo in the traditional church at large. This meeting allows married couples, engaged couples, divorcees, widows, estranged individuals, separated individuals and singles, the full flexibility and freedom to openly seek answers and discuss sensitive, highly charged topics such as sexuality and being saved and single without any prejudicial influence. Free counseling sessions are available, pre-marital, and marital.
Strives to bring God the glory by equipping families with tools for renewing their Biblical understanding and enhancing their life that they may share the love of God abroad. This is enhanced by the many family centered activities planned throughout the year from Marriage Retreats to home gatherings, movie nights out and high-impact fellowship training.
Is designed to bring strong men of valor together to build relationships among one another to learn more about the courageous steps necessary to embrace authentic manhood. Men’s ministry strives to encourage spiritual growth through the following:
The Women of “THE LIFE” CHURCH are J.E.W.E.L.S. Jesus’ Eternal Women Ever Living Sanctified. This women’s ministry meets monthly with programs designed to encourage growth in every area of women’s lives and their application of God’s Word.
Recognizes that we are complete in Jesus Christ. We can serve wholeheartedly, free from the distractions or divided interests of the world. Through the power and might of the Holy Spirit, we effectively provoke one another to love and good works.
This ministry team is designed to bring the special element of music into praise and worship through song. The praise team members, working along with the musicians, help lead the congregation in corporate worship. Team member Auditions held.
Strives to reach children with the good news about Jesus through a variety of teaching tools and exciting activities. The purpose is to:
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